CII, EEXI, and ETS at the 2nd American Greentech and Decarbonizing Shipping Forum


Nov 30, 2022

Earlier this week, Patrick Gerrity, an accomplished shipping executive with key roles in the USCG and cruise industry, provided a detailed IMO decarbonization overview and linked the SEEMP, IMO DCS, EU MRV, and CII through a single thread while speaking at the 2nd American Greentech and Decarbonizing Shipping Forum in Miami, Florida.

The Fourth IMO Greenhouse Gas Study concluded that in 2018 shipping emitted about 3% of the total global CO2 caused by humans. That’s over 1,000,000,000 tons of CO2 annually. As a result, shipowners are facing increased costs associated with their carbon footprint through the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and changes to the SEEMP.

Patrick spoke about how shipowners can improve their CII rating through various approaches, including the use of direct emissions measurement systems like SailPlan. These systems can harvest ship data, including real-time emission gas monitoring, engine data, and fuel consumption to provide not only a true emissions measurement but also provide insights and recommendations to crew members for emissions reduction.

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