
SailPlan for LNG Vessels

Report actual methane (CH4) slip for LNG vessels

IMO and EU regulations prescribe default factors for methane slip. However, your actual methane slip performance may differ widely based on your operational profile.

SailPlan has directly measured CH4 emissions since 2020. Our technology provides you granular slip data so you can track and report actual methane emissions instead of relying on off the shelf factors.

NOX Concentrations
NOX Concentrations

Accurately measure methane emissions across your fleet.

EU ETS requires ships track and report CH4 levels starting in 2025. In 2026, ship owners will be required to purchase CH4 emissions allowances. Measuring your actual emissions with SailPlan allow you to save money through optimization or abatement technologies that the default slip factors do not capture.

Quickly and easily compare ships in your fleet and dial-in their performance through data. 


SailPlan unlocks methane slip reduction insights

Excessive methane emissions are not a foregone conclusion. Engine load optimization, shore power, and abatement technologies exist to reduce your LNG vessel’s CH4 emissions. 

SailPlan’s data platform provides unparalleled insight to guide you to reducing LNG methane emissions, quantify the ROI of reduction technologies, and reduce your costs.

Key Features

Real-Time Data

Real-time emissions data across your fleet and in the cloud simplifies decision-making.

Energy consumption

Monitor onboard energy generation and consumption and learn what can be done to reduce it.

Direct Emissions

Use Continuous Emissions Monitors (CEMS) for precise emissions measurements over a wide species of exhaust gasses.


Understand the impact of weather on emissions through modeling and real-time onboard sensing 

Understand what’s happening
with your fleet, powered by data

We’re experts in ship data insights. Let’s setup a conversation to talk about your fleet’s data needs.